Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 723

Chapter 723


At 9 a.m., Sabrina set out to Starriver Bay to collect Jennie.

She pulled up her car by the villas gate and sounded the horn twice.

After waiting for a few minutes, no one came out.

Resting against the back of the seat, Sabrina considered whether to dial Karens number and ask her to bring Jennie out. However, she remembered Tyrone mentioning that he would be busy with something today, so she assumed he wouldnt be home.

With the certainty that only Jennie and Karen would be home, she decided to get Jennie herself.

Sabrina unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out.

As she approached the villa, she noticed that the door to the Living room was partially open. She went inside.

Jennie? she called out.

However, there was no response.


Still, no response came.

Where could they have gone?

Did Karen take Jennie out somewhere?

Sabrina dialed Karens number, and before long, Karen picked up the call.

Well Im actually at the grocery store right now, grabbing some supplies. If youre here for Jennie, shes upstairs. Just head straight up to her.


Apologies. Im currently at the checkout, and I need to make a payment. Im in a bit of a rush.

The call ended with a beep as Karen hung up.

Sabrina let out a sigh of helplessness, gazing at the phone screen momentarily before making her way upstairs.

Apart from the master bedroom, the second floor held three guest rooms.

It was unlikely that Jennie would be in the master bedroom,

